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New year, new challenges

Well we're 9 days into 2024 and so far it's been really positive! We'll jump back to December for a sec, I was getting myself geared up to set up boundaries for myself and the family at gatherings so that I wouldn't burn myself out at one dinner and then have to go to another one the next day. So I was trying to figure out what I was going to do to spare my energy all while having a toddler this year that gets into everything and anything..what I had come up with was:

1) show up a bit later

2) limit the amount of time spent there. So show up until I started getting over whelmed then bail!

3) use my loops

4) nap prior to dinner time and take it easy for a day or two before dinner.

Av unfortunately got sick, but it worked out for the best. We ended up skipping both family gatherings so we wouldn't get anyone else sick and she could also just work on resting and getting better, so it was SUPER low key. It was actually really really nice not having to stress over the burn out, and the symptoms that would come with that and potentially ruin my family's Christmas with my crankiness, mental fatigue, over stimulation ect.

Jump to January now, it has been so good! It's hard to believe that we're into our second year of recovery... they say you'll do the majority of your recovery in the first 2 years, then you'll still see some improvements after but it won't be as significant. So I'm making the most of these 2 years and putting everything I've got into my recovery, so much so, that I've started weight training 4 days a week. Mostly so I can start to regain my left side strength (and let's be honest, to try and shed some of this post baby weight 🫣) but also for all the other benifits that come with it. I started doing it as a trial in December for a couple weeks, and then last week and boy let me tell you, I've already noticed a huge improvement in my balance, and my left arm strength. I can now hold my toddler without having my arm go numb and sore! I've also noticed an improvement on memory, having to remember the 3 completely different moves my trainer is showing me, all while listening to her talk about them, with background noise of my kid talking and yelling at me for attention, and then actually acting them out!! So those are huge wins!!! It feels really good to eat healthy and to get into a weekly routine and follow it but most importantly, to see the improvement happening.

My OT has been coming once a week and she's noticed a huge improvement in my balance as well, we have also been working on balance exercises and memory exercises, so between that and the weight training it's all coming together. In the next few weeks we're going to start working on more spatial awareness activities and more left handed work. Last week I noticed standing next to a wall, it feels like it's super close to me and actually bothers me. Even though it's like an arms length away from me, and then sweeping crumbs off the counter into my hand. My hand went to put itself by the counter and totally missed. So that's where those are coming from!

I'm really happy with how things are going, and Im starting to somewhat "normal" in this "new normal" if that makes sense?

On the mom side of the coin, it's been new challenges every day. Between temper tantrums over the word no, and her not getting her way. To her learning new sounds and screaming at the top of her lungs for fun, or just the whining. It's all been really fun over here. My noise sensitivity has really been at an all time high at home. Between the tv the yelling, crying, tantrums, the dog barking and the cat meowing all day. By the end of it everything really sets it off. Like im talking as much as a fan blowing. then I get irritated because there's just too much going on for my brain to beable to process. I've been smothering myself in sages "power down" essential oil before bed im and I'm finding it super effective, I sleep so good and my brain isn't running a million miles a minute when trying to fall asleep.

Im really working hard to be more patient and understanding with her, and even myself actually. I have to give myself more credit and not be so hard on myself and just really enjoy the good days and the little things. Like when she falls she'll come running for a hug and a kiss, and all her snuggles, it really makes all the challenges look so small looking at them when we're not in the moment.

Goodbye 2023, and hello 2024. Im super excited and optimistic about what it has to bring 🤗

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