Okay so my last post I talked about how positive things were going, and well, that honestly lasted for 2 days... I have a SUPER embarrassing story for you guys. Just when I think I'm getting better I get slapped in the face with the brain injury hand, more specifically the impulsivity hand.
Okay in December I was looking to get my daughter onto the pre school waitlists for 2025 because I've heard they are SUPER long. So I found 2 that I really liked, so I googled the brilliant preschool. And this website came up;
So without scrolling or checking it out I was like yup that's the one, but I found it super weird that they were communicating through "what's app" and like at super weird times, and was also kind of rude, she told me they were taking applications for 2025 come January but didn't give me a date, she said she needed a birth certificate copy, so I sent it without even thinking about it because both strong start programs I applied for requested them so I was like whatever, and I let it go. So fast forward to January 12th now, and I still haven't heard from them about applications, so I actually called the brilliant cultural Center and spoke to the woman in charge there. When I explained what happened she told me that it wasn't them, that they only deal through Facebook, Instagram and email. And thought it was odd that they asked for a copy of her birth certificate, at that point I panicked. I immediately opened whats app and started digging, turns out THIS preschool is actually located in MUMBAI INDIA!!!! Yes you read that right. I sent my daughters birth certificate to fucking Mumbai. I picked up the phone and called this weird number, she thankfully answered. I explained what happened and asked her to delete the picture I sent and she said she would thankfully. I then called the CRA and they told me that they couldn't steal her identity if they tried because they would need 2 pieces of ID. THANKGOD
I want to give a huge shout out to my impulsivity for this for not even looking at the website, just saw the name and thought yup that's it. I'm so grateful I didn't send anything else. I learnt my lesson though to double check EVERYTHING and then get my husband to triple check if there's ever a next time.
On the mom side it hasn't been much easier, I've been really working hard at trying to set a routine for Av as well as myself so I can better myself. That includes waking up at 530am and doing a live workout on zoom, but the last week has been rough. Ava's cut two teeth and I'm pretty sure she's in her 16 month sleep regression which makes things HARD AF, she's cranky, tired, clingy, her nap schedules out of whack her night time routine is right out of whack too. She wakes up at 130am ready to party for hours some nights, other nights she's up for 10 minutes then goes back down until 3am then she's up for like an hour. All this has been making it really hard for me to put some me time in at 530, I'm exhausted physically from rocking her and holding her for hours mixed with just being tired from lack of sleep. Like there's no amount of coffee in the day to help a girl out. It's so hard to not get frustrated with her at 4am when she's been up since 130 with you, doesn't wanna sleep, doesn't wanna play, doesn't wanna eat, doesn't even want to lay down. It's so over whelming and so so hard. Im working really hard on my patience, but I can only handle so much before I break down in tears out of exhaustion and frustration and not knowing what to do. Momming is hard, chasing her around all day to make sure she keeps her fingers out of EVERYTHING is hard. I have no idea how moms that work full time do it.
I'm really hoping next week will be better, sleep wise and attitude wise. I'll really take anything over an incident like Mumbai again.
Thanks for letting me vent and you're welcome for the Mumbai laugh.. because come on it's hilarious, who does that?
Much love,
An overwhelmed, tired, overstimulated, under caffeinated recovering mom ♥️