The last couple weeks have been kind of an eye opener for me, I’ve started strength work and stretching once a week and then doing an at home program for that as well. Boy let me tell you how good it feels to get moving again!
I kind of knew how weak I am, but to be sore after using 5 pound weights Is kind of funny but not funny. It’s been helping though, I’m finding that it’s not hurting to breathe as much as it did before so that’s a HUGE win!! As I’ve told you guys in my last post my OT isn’t really happing anymore, just an at home work program. Well my doctor referred me to an interior health one, her and I touched base and she passed me on to the Acquired brain injury services in Castlegar, I’ve spoken to them and they are referring me to an OT through them which will be awesome. So I’m just waiting for him to give me a call and to get started with that which is great news! I clearly need it too, because not all cylinders are firing to my left hand ( which we know ) and it’s been kind of hard for me because I have people telling me that I’m fine and my left hand is fine and when It can’t do things that I ask it to, I get told that not everyone can do it anyway or I’ll never need todo that in the future so why am I worried about it not doing something I ask. so when I needed to file my gel polish off, I got really mad at myself and a little depressed honestly. My right hand filed my left pretty decently for not doing it for a long time, but my left to my right? Ya it just kept going, and going, and I filed my poor nails down so much that they’re super thin and SO sensitive to anything… like hot water and accidentally banging them on stuff, I almost peed my pants from the pain a few times. But according to people that see me every now and again I’m fine right? You might ask why didn’t I go and get them done as I usually would, I thought I’d give my nails and my bank account a break for right now. I have 3 appointments a week usually and my benefits are almost all used up so it’s starting to get a bit costly.
On the mom side of the coin, things have been super awesome! Av will be 9 months on the 15th and I just can’t even. Shes trying to crawl so hard and she's managed to pull herself up on to her knees in the crib... she needs to slow the eff down. She’s also been sleeping 8+ hours a night which helps with making her the happiest baby ever, we really lucked out with this girl! We hit the sun fest parade this weekend with a bunch of our friends that also have babies, it was so much fun! If you would have asked me 3 years ago if I would be getting up at 8:30 on a Saturday morning to pack up our baby to go watch a parade with our friends and their babies, I would have said yeah right! But here we are, and I wouldn’t change it for a thing! I actually love doing things like this! We also had to drive to rock creek the same day to pick up a gate for the driveway, then we hit our friends baseball game! A month ago I would have been so exhausted and over stimulated with all the activity never mind the drive to rock creek alone. But I did all of these things, and managed to even hangout in the beer garden for an hour after the game. The fact that I felt half decent and wasn’t a write off for 3 days after the fact means progress!!! We’ve been so busy all week getting projects around the house done too! We got the posts in last Sunday for fencing, we and when I say we I mean Josh made another flower bed behind the house, we planted a whole whack of flowers back there and then he levelled it all out, I just stood there with the rake because as easy as it is for anyone to rake dirt and take direction, I struggled and I couldn’t even rake dirt properly. So instead of getting mad at myself I just stood there being his cheerleader and doing mom things! It’s really looking great back there! He’s making our vision come true back there! Our garden too is coming along so good. I am so excited for the butternut squash, Av loves it so I’m happy she’ll be able to have garden grown!! Life has just been so good to us lately, I’m really enjoying the summer weather too. It’s really making this being home thing a lot easier and a lot more fun.