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Full moons, Ultrasounds & MRI's


This week has been full of activities. Note to self: Mark down the full moon schedule on our calendar. Believe it or not, the full moon really effects my baby. Not sure about anyone else's, but the last 2 nights consisted of 11pm bed times for everyone, tears and screaming from one cranky baby, and a couple of late night car rides to get her to sleep. Besides that shes been sleeping like a dream and LOVING the rice cereal, we tried apple sauce and mashed banana too. She loved it and the faces she makes when trying new things are hilarious. I think the food stage is my favourite stage.

On the recovery side of things, we got booked in for an ultrasound to see what this bump on my leg is all about. Were not sure how it got there, I've got road rash on that leg, but we dont know what I hit it on that hard to create this bump? Maybe the peddle swung around and impacted my leg? We're not sure. No that photo is not photoshopped, thats the actual lump on my left calf I have... So we went in for our ultrasound Wednesday morning, and our brain MRI Wednesday night. Let me tell you, that tube is WAY smaller then a CT scanner. I had to lay with my eyes closed because when I opened them, I would see the top of the tube and then this weird cage like helmet thing they had to put over my head to get the pictures. I remember my nose being itchy AF but there wasnt enough room for me to even lift my arm and scratch it. It was wild, I hated having to go in all the way, Im super claustrophobic. So that wasnt enjoyable, but the MRI techs were awesome always checked in to make sure I was okay, then would tell me what the machine would be doing and how long the next picture was going to take. Anyway, we then had a doctors appointment Thursday morning. turns out I have a deep hematoma in my calf. They say it will go away over time, but they want todo an MRI on it just to be safe and make sure that's actually what it is. Just as we were walking into our doctors appointment, the Neurologist from Kelowna that has been on my case called. He said he looked at my results and basically to sum it all up. 7 months after our accident, there is significant evidence that there was a brain injury (which we know) BUT there is still alot of blood residue that hasnt been absorbed into my body yet. He actually had to check that my brain isnt still bleeding, thats how much blood is in there currently.. He then said that I have significant brusing on my brain still. He was shocked that there was this much trauma from a bike accident. Im taking this as good news because my brain isnt still bleeding, but at the same time its kinda scary thinking about how much injury is happening up there. I thought "Okay were 7 months into recovery, theres probably little blood residue in there and its almost healed up", I guess this was a bit of a reality check for me. Then I begin to question myself. Am I really that screwed up? Am I in denial about how messed up I actually am? I feel 70% normal..Obviously theres deficits that I pick up on, and its hard because I look normal. Like I just dont know..On the other hand though, this news makes me feel better about what I did last week. Last week we had mashed cauliflower for dinner, I went to clean up the plastic wrapping and I felt a tiny bit transfer onto my right thumb. Thinking I would lick it off after I finished cleaning up, I opened up the cupboard under the sink to get to the garbage, and without even thinking about it my Left thumb went into my mouth and I "licked" the mash cauliflower off of it. Half way through doing that, I realized what I was doing and I was like "What the hell are you doing Emma, thats not right." And I looked at my right thumb and saw there was still mashed cauli on it. my husband and everyone else I tell this story to laughs, becauese it is funny. But not so funny at the same time. This information I was given yesterday makes me feel better about this situation because theres a reason why it happened. My brain is working enough that the message is sent to my hand to stick it in my mouth, but the route it was supposed to take to the right side is maybe blocked by blood residue, so it got confused. Which is why I'm going to OT once a week, to rebuild new routes in my brain so messages dont get lost anymore. Its called brain re-mapping. I think its absolutly wild that they can re train the brain. Anyway, we're now just waiting for the concussion clinic in Casltegar to call.

No idea what a concussion clinic is, but I assume its a meeting with a neuropsychologist, which is what were doing anyway next week, but I think its to offer more services that im currently not getting yet? Im not 100% sure, I guess we'll find out soon.


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